Therapy options

Who can get treatment?

I offer Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Children and Adolescents, and consultations for their parents or carers. Most commonly, treatment starts for children around 6 years old, sometimes younger, and youth and young adults can be treated up until the age of 21. If you are a parent or carer with a concern about your child, I do offer sessions for parent couples or single parents.

Coaching sessions for older youth or young adults are possible, if, for instance, advice is needed without an acute psychological health issue.

I also offer parenting advice for couples or parents who are going through a difficult time in their family life, maybe thinking about separation or divorce and are hoping for advice on how to handle a specific issue (e.g. a death or an illness of a family member). These sessions can be part of a treatment that includes sessions for the child, but they can also be just parent focused.

What I offer:

> Individual CBT treatment sessions
> Consultations and Coaching sessions
> Parent or Carer Advice
> Online sessions / Online treatment

Problems or disorders I commonly treat:

Mood disorders, depressive episodes / Anxiety disorders, panic attacks, phobias, social anxiety, selective mustism, obsessive compulsiveness in behaviour and thoughts / ADHD, attention deficits, concentration issues, impulsive behaviour / Stress disorders, PTSD, all kinds of trauma / Social behaviour disorders, aggressive behaviour, oppositional defiant disorders, conduct disorders / Emotional childhood disorders, separation anxiety, lack of confidence, extreme shyness / Adaptation disorder e.g. after separation of a parent, change of school or residence, coming to terms with losses or bereavement / Emotional instability, self harm, mood swings/ Sleeping disorders / Elimination disorders, enuresis, encopresis / Gender dysphoria, transsexualism, gender identity disorders

However, is it something that hasn’t been listed above? Maybe you’re facing a challenging situation or going through a difficult break up, facing an exam, you received a health diagnosis or you’re relocating again? It is possible to find a solution for each individual problem, please do no hesitate to ask.

Course of treatment

After an initial conversation, the getting-to-know-you phase follows, after which the diagnosis is clarified in further sessions before therapy can begin. I would be happy to explain to you in more detail how you can imagine the treatment process.

Financing information

I offer treatment for privately insured patients and self payers. The fees comply with the GOP (Gebührenordnung für Psychotherapeuten), which is the statutory scale of fees for psychotherapists in Germany.

Some clients opt for paying themselves for the treatment. This is a good option specifically for all those, who are wanting advice unrelated to a mental health diagnosis.


Consultations or treatments are only possible by prior appointment. For an appointment or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.